Application NameWebCam Part 2
Date Entered08/17/2010
Date Modified02/18/2011
webNetwork Version
Delivery MethodGeneric TCP Proxy
ConfigurationHost Object
Host Address :
Host Port : 4550:5550

Web application Object
Web App Type : Generic TCP Proxy
External TCP Port(s) : 4550:5550
TTL : 0
Startup URL : /StartWebApplication/cn=webCamPart1,ou=WebApps,ou=webNetwork,o=stoneware
Keep Stoneware Session Alive : true
Concurrent Connections : 0

Make link and assign to proper users. This link will be used to open special ports and launch web interface.
Add port 6550 if the optional microphone is used.
This webapp when launched will open the ports for the camera and then launch the webpage to load the camera configuration and the ActiveX control.

cn=webCamPart1,ou=WebApps,ou=webNetwork,o=stoneware is the cn of the webCamPart1 webapp that launches the application.