Application NameADFS Generic SSO - webPass
Date Entered01/13/2017
Date Modified05/03/2017
webNetwork Version
Delivery MethodwebPass Client
ConfigurationForm type : webPass
Service side webPass :
Startup URL :*
Login URL:*
Trigger URL:*
Login Page Launch : Enabled
Frame Identifier :
Form Identifier : aspnetForm
Button Identifier : @@submitbutton@@

Form Inputs :
ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_PasswordTextBox : PASSWORDVARIABLE
ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UsernameTextBox : USERNAMEVARIABLE

Script :
Modifier :
Assigned To : same users as links are assigned.

Requires the webPass Browser Extension to be installed.

This configuration relies on how dynamic URL contains the information on where the browser should be redirected to after the user authenticate to the ADFS server.

The ".*", in the Login and Trigger URLs, is a wildcard that allows the SSO Form to match up the first part of the URL, while ignoring the dynamic portion.

When the user launches the link to the application, they are redirected to the ADFS login page as normal. The webPass Extension sees the login page URL, injects the users credentials, and clicks the submit button. The browser then redirects to the application URL as normal.

The same SSO Form can be used for all of the ADFS applications that redirect to the same ADFS login page. Therefore there can be multiple Standard Links, with just the one SSO Form. The only requirement is that the SSO Form is assigned to all of the same users that all of the Standard Links are assigned to.

Replace in the configuration with the address of your ADFS server.
Replace PASSWORDVARIABLE and USERNAMEVARIBLE with the relevant Stoneware Variables. Usually this would be @@password@@ and @@attr:saMAccountname@@.