Application NameOffice 365 (ADFS - Form)
Date Entered09/02/2014
Date Modified
webNetwork Version
Delivery MethodVirtual server
ConfigurationHost Object
Host Address :
Host Port : 443

Web Application Object
Web App Type : HTTP(S) Virtual Server
Virtual DNS Name :
Startup URL : /adfs/ls/?nossl=1&wreply=STAYHERE&wa=wsignout1.0
Rewrite Browser Cookies : Enable
Internal Servers Require SSL : Enable
Host Authority : Disabled

Single Sign On
Form Type : Client
Form Name : loginForm
Form Trigger : /adfs/ls/\?wa=wsignin1.0\&wtrealm=urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline\&wctx=bk%3D1407871978%26LoginOptions%3D3
Script : document.forms[0].submit();
Form Method : Post
Form Inputs :

Redirect Form
Form Type : Client
Form Trigger : /adfs/ls/\?nossl=1\&wreply=STAYHERE\&wa=wsignout1.0

Script :
var image = new Image();
image.src = "";
setTimeout( "location.href='';", 2000 );

-Requires relay(s) to be using SSL

-Requires ADFS server SSO already setup with Office 365

-Requires the ADFS server to be setup for Forms Based Authentication

-It may be necessary to setup smart links (

-Due to the way the cookies are handled when logging out of Office 365, this webApp requires a two forms. The Startup URL points to a somewhat bogus URL, which the first form intercepts, redirecting the browser to the correct URL. The second form then authenticates the user.

This configuration makes sure that when a user logs out of Office 365, their session cookies are deleted from the browser. That way another person is unable to access the user's Office 365 account, if the user does not close their browser after logging out of webNetwork.