Application NamePearson OLE
Date Entered11/09/2012
Date Modified
webNetwork Version
Delivery MethodCustom JSP

This application uses a special authenticaion server, requiring a custom jsp file to perform the SSO function.

You will need to the above zip archive, and extract the pearsonOLESSO.jsp file from it.

Copy the file to /stoneware/webserv/custom on your relays.

Create a Standard Link that points to /customer/pearsonOLESSO.jsp to launch the jsp.

To test, replace the "ENTER USER ID HERE" and the "ENTER PASSWORD HERE" text with a set of valid credentials for Successnet Plus.

Once you are certain the webapp works, you can comment out those two lines of the file, then uncomment the lines with "ENTER LOCKBOX USER ID HERE" and "ENTER LOCKBOX PASSWORD HERE", replacing the text with lockbox or stoneware variables.