Application NameSkyward - Virtual
PublisherSkyward Inc.
Date Entered10/23/2014
Date Modified02/21/2011
webNetwork Version
Delivery MethodVirtual server
ConfigurationHost Object
Host Address :
Host Port : 443

Web Application Object
Web App Type : https virtual server
Virtual DNS Name :
Startup URL : /scripts/wsisa.dll/WService=wsPutnamFin/seplog01.w
Internal Servers Require SSL : True

Rule Object
Rule Type : Text Injection
Target : div

Text/HTML/Javascript :

Occurrence : End
Placement : Before

Include : /scripts/wsisa.dll/WService=wsPutnamFin/seplog01.w


As of 12/22/2011, we've seen issues with the HTML BODY tag and our Form submitter. To resolve this, a Rule object must be created and attached to the App. You can make the Rule object more efficient by changing the Processing to Include with the same URL as the Start-up URL.

Replace "user-input-lockbox" and "password-input-lockbox" in the Javascript section with the appropriate lockbox or variables.