Application NameRenzulli Learning
PublisherRenzulli Learning
Date Entered08/18/2010
Date Modified09/14/2018
webNetwork Version
Delivery MethodwebPass Client
Standard Link :

Form type : webPass
Service side webPass : (blank)
Startup URL :
Login URL :
Trigger URL :
Mobile Login URL : (blank)
Login Page Launch : Enabled
Frame Identifier : (blank)
Form Identifier : Form1
Button Identifier : @@submitbutton@@

Form Inputs :
txtPwd = @@password@@
txtUsr = @@typlessuserid@@

Script :
document.getElementById("ddlSelectSite").value = "Student";

Modifier : None
Assigned To : (Assign to same users the Standard Link is assigned to.)

This webApp will only work with Browsers that have the webAgent extension installed.

Install webPass Extension from our web server:

To configure SSO for teachers, you will need to create a second SSO form.

On the Teacher SSO form, updated the Script field with the following line, so that the Teacher option is selected by the SSO process:
document.getElementById("ddlSelectSite").value = "Teacher";

NOTE: Make sure the Student SSO form is only assigned to your students, and the Teacher SSO form is only assigned to the Teachers. If a user is assigned both forms, the webPass Client will not know which one it should use when it encounters the application's URL.